Tuesday, 5 June 2012

easy cheap iPhone 4 unlock unlocking

How to Unlock iphone 4 

I get quite a lot questions how to unlock iPhone 4 from veriuos world wide networks at my facebook page. usually question is how to unlock your iPhone 4 running latest firmware like 5.0 or 5.1 or even 5.1.1 firmwares also running latest baseband 04.11.08 or 04.12.01. People expect to unlock via simple jailbreak solution there iphone 4 devices, sad to say it is long ago not possible to be precise only very first basband were possible to unlock up to 01.59.00 via jailbreak. Than gevey sim solution came out which requires jailbreak but only can be  unlocked up to 04.10.01 baseband. firmware doesn't meter as long as it is jailbreakable, and at the moment all firmware of iPhone 4 is jailbreakable up to 5.1.1. Natural question is how to unlock iPhone 4 if you updated to latests firmware and baseband, well only official iPhone unlock is available. it works simply but requesting apple servers to register iphone as unlocked. than plug iphone 4 to itunes and the itunes will do the rest! simple! and best news is it will not void your warranty (jailbreak voids warranty) also update your iPhone 4 firmware without fear of re locking your apple device to factory lock (jailbreak and gevey sim will relock your iphone if updated with latest firmware). downside of official iphone 4 unlock is price, in some cases it very expensive, but everyday prices changes and going down, example unlock australia vodafone phone will set you about $30, so check this site http://4fone.com as sometimes it is cheaper to unlock via official iphone unlocking service than buying gevey sims or risk of bricking your iphone while performing jailbreak on your beloved device.

official iPhone unlock, iphone 4 unlock, iphone 4s unlocking